Days of Our Lives

Tickled, appalled, and riveted: A Critic’s Review of Days of Our Lives


The author’s and his alone ideas about DAYS are expressed here. They’re usually right on point, properly biting, and amusing.

Every fan has their own perspective about Days of our Lives, and Soap Hub is no different. We watched everything on Days of our Lives for five days—the good, the horrible, and everything in between—and are providing you with a helpful recap and a lighthearted analysis of the episode that was.

Days of our Lives: Thoughts from the Critic

Let me state that I preferred the “The Libidozone Effect” plot line from “The Mad Biscuit Drugger” plotline that aired on Ally My Children. Heck, I even favored the occasion when Big Bad Deimos drugged everyone present at the Martin home party before being fatally killed. If you’re curious, Nicole (Arianne Zucker) played a whodunit.

Nevertheless, despite myself, I found Eric (Greg Vaughan) and Nicole’s antics to be extremely amusing.

But I have to ask it again: what exactly is it that Ron Carlivati has against people giving their express consent and/or being rational before having sex?

Rex and Nicole are discovered at the apartment by Eric and Sarah. Eric walks up to Nicole in shock. She affirms that it is actually her before giving them a lovely embrace. Eric wonders how she is still alive. Both Sarah and Rex cry during their kiss, although for different reasons. Eric queries once more. He and Holly will hear Nicole’s explanation. Sarah remembers kissing Eric just before hearing him confess his affections for her. She proposes giving Ericole some alone time with her and Rex. Eric is at a loss for words. As Rex looks perplexed, Sarah fakes a grin and says that everything is OK. Sarah surprises Nicole and inquires about Maggie.


Sarah is certain that her mother will be ecstatic to meet Nicole at the ericole kiss reunion days of our lives. She leaves with Rex. Eric queries Nicole’s escape from the explosion once more. He presents the necklace that the rescuers discovered to her. Nicole doesn’t know how she managed to live. She thought she passed out after having a hazy memory of someone approaching her. She was unconscious and in critical condition when she awoke. Eric cries. He would have been by her side if he had known. Nic claims that it took her a long time to stand up again and that as soon as she did, she rushed back to him and Holly. She won’t ever abandon him again. They have sex. She halts her actions out of concern that he won’t want to see her naked.

When Nicole inquires as to what is going on, he lies and flashes to kissing Sarah. They chow down and cuddle.

Chloe sobs at the DiMera estate since Parker hasn’t seen Holly and she’s gone. Ben answers Stefan’s phone and informs him that the security system has not been tripped. They are scouring the area. Later, frustrated because he hasn’t located Holly, Stefan rants at Ben over the phone. Stefan is yelled at by Chloe to call the police.


Eli tells Abe about his daughter staying with Rafe to assist with David’s care while they are at the bar. Eli worries that Lani is growing too attached to the child and predicts that it will be difficult for her to let him go once the time is right. He leaves after receiving a text about the kidnapping.


From the bar, Rafe brings Lani soup. He informs her grumpily that he discovered Hope and Ted together.the days of our existence with Rafe Lani and David Home Lani regrets that they must go through this. She is aware of all Hope has been through with Ciara. Maybe she makes bad decisions. Rafe claims that Aiden Jennings was the previous victim. Lani talks about her affections for David and says that he’s helping her get over things. Later, she feeds the child as Rafe recalls helping to raise Sydney and the infant Grace and they connect over sharing a fatherless upbringing.

Hope is on the verge of tears as Ted apologizes for getting her and Rafe into more problems at Doug’s Place. Tomorrow he’ll return the necklace. He is invited to remain with her. She would be dishonest if she claimed that despite being married and giving up, she had no feelings for him. When Stefan calls, Hope needs to go. Holly has disappeared. Ted makes a call to someone after she leaves to inform them that the job was successful.

Holly is taken by the masked abductor to an unknown destination.



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